
Eating in Eataly

As if we hadn't eaten enough delicious food on our Culinary Tour of Northern Italy, we stopped on the way home to Siena on the edge of Turin to visit Eataly, a "supermarket" which celebrates the highest quality produce from all over Italy and champions small artisanal...

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Spring Planting

One of the first things we do when we get back to Italy in April is to plant our salad and vegetables so that we, and our Hedonistic Hikers, can enjoy our own fresh produce over the summer.  On many of our tours later in the season we use our home-grown salads and veg.  Our home in...

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A Tale of Two Countries

Welcome to Hedonistic Hiking's first Blog.   In the coming months we have many stories, recipes, facts and opinions to share with our friends and we hope you will always find something here to whet your appetite for food, wine and walking in both ...

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